Collab With Reese!

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Hello shining peeeeeeeps! hope you had a great week!

Guess what, Reese and I decided to do a collab! As we both like writing we chose it as our topic.

You can view my questions and her answers here!

Here we go –

Da questions by Reese will be in bold

When did you write your first story? 
Hmm….. I wrote it when I was 6 or something like that.🤔

Where is your favourite place to write? 
My favourite place to write is my room!😀

What is your favourite thing to drink while writing?
I like to drink 2 things water😂 and lemonade!🍸

What type of writing do you most enjoy? (I.e. blogging, essay writing, poetry…) 
I mostly enjoy blogging nowadays, my new hobby✍🏻

Do you like to listen to music while you write? 

Yes, I do like it mostly or sometimes(now that is a bit confusing, isn’t it?😉😂)

Thankyou so much Reese! I enjoyed answering all these question!

Hope you all enjoyed reading too!

And if you still want to send me your assumptions about me you are open to send it to me!

Have a good day!



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